Ionization Chamber

An ionization chamber is a device used to measure radioactivity levels. When air atoms are hit by radioactive particles, an ion pair is produced. Ions have an electric charge, and if they are in an electric field created by positive and negative electrodes, negative ions will move toward the positive electrode, and positive ions will move toward the negative electrode. They will attempt to "meet each other," thereby creating a current. This current can be measured and is proportional to the number of ion pairs. The number of ion pairs is proportional to the radioactivity level.

The architecture of the device is presented below. It consists of an analog part and an STM8 microcontroller, which collects and sends measurements via UART. These measurements are collected on the Raspberry Pi side and processed using Python and R scripts. The results are stored as .csv files (raw data) or .png files (diagrams). While it would be possible to simplify this setup and eliminate the Raspberry Pi, I wanted to enable data collection and flashing of the microcontroller remotely, without needing to be physically near the device.

The outer electrode of the ionization chamber was made from PCB scraps and a copper plate, while the inner electrode was constructed using a few centimeters of non-enameled wire. To avoid electromagnetic interference, the amplifier was placed inside a metal chassis.

High voltage is required to create a sufficient electric field in the chamber. Initially, I was unsure of the exact voltage needed, so I added a simple DC/DC converter to the PCB to generate 400V DC. However, tests showed that 4x12V from batteries is sufficient. As a result, while the DC/DC converter is soldered onto the board (visible on the bottom left side of the picture), it is not in use.

The software was written in C and compiled using SDCC. A strange limitation of SDCC is that even if functions are unused, they are still compiled and included in the final binary. Since I am using StdPeriph as a HAL, there were many unused functions that occupied space. To work around this, I added #ifdef 0 ... #endif around each unused function, then attempted to compile and uncommented the functions that were actually needed.

The diagram below shows the results obtained from the device. As can be seen, the device is quite sensitive, capturing even small variations in the measurements.

For more details on the project, feel free to check out the full source code and documentation on GitHub. You can also follow the project's development and updates on Hackaday.