Commercial PCB washing solutions are relatively expensive, much cheaper and still powerful one can be prepared at home. It's based on trisodium phosphate, highly alkaline substance able to reduce oxides and react with grass forming soaps. Soaps in chemical...
Home-made mixture for chemical PCB tinning (alcaline bath)
in chemistry, electronic engineering / with 1 comment /
Today I will present a method for PCB tinning that uses alkaline bath. What does alkaline bath mean? It says that the solution that we're using for tinning has this pH, in opposition acid bathes also exists - one of the example I presented in my previous...
PCB tinning using Lichtenberg's alloy
in chemistry, electronic engineering / with No comments /
The Lichtenberg's alloy is an interesting way of home PCB tinning - it's inexpensive and there is no need to polish cooper or use specialized tools and chemicals. The negative side is that the alloy is hard to obtain, fortunately it's not expensive....
Home-made mixture for chemical PCB tinning (acid bath)
in chemistry, electronic engineering / with 2 comments /
While it's possible to buy ready to use tinning formulas, making your own is much less expensive. Various recipes exist for tinning copper, today I will present a simple one that uses ingredients available at online chemical stores. It's one of acid...
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